2612568276918. Strength And How To Obtain It!

Strength And How To Obtain It!

Strength And How To Obtain It!


By Eugene Sandow

Strength And How To Obtain It! – Hundreds of letters reach me daily, asking „Can I become strong?” Yes, you can all  become strong if you have the will and use it in the right direction. But, in the first place, you must learn to exercise your mind. This first of all lessons in physical training is of the utmost importance. For on it the whole of my system depends.

If physical exercise alone and unaided could achieve the desired end, then would every one who, like the breaker of stones, has to use his muscles to earn his daily bread, become, in a popular acceptation of the term, “a strong man.”

The breaker of stones, however, never uses his mind. He has to get through a given amount of work, and his method is purely mechanical.


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