2612568276918. Super Fitness First

Super Fitness First

Author: Darren O Connell

2-Minute Fitness

Why would I want to write about yet another fitness program? There are so many out there. There is no escape from fitness programs whether you watch TV or read a magazine or

The reality is that most of us are not happy with our physical state, and we are looking for solutions. We are not only looking for solutions, but we are also actually paying for them.

This creates the natural demand for physical fitness programs. The variety of physical fitness programs does not indicate that one method is better than the other. Like neither is Coke better than Sprite nor Sprite better than Coke.

It’s a matter of preference and either one of them could quench your thirst. Variety is good. It gives us the freedom to choose. In spite of having a good supply of effective fitness programs and variety, I think the failure to benefit from such programs lie in us. We are not organized enough or do not have the time to practice them. Because of our work and careers the time investment becomes difficult.

I remember the last time I enrolled in a Martial Arts course. After a few weeks I could not keep up with it because it required 2 hours of classes, 3 days a week. That’s only 6 hours a week. Yet I could not find time for Martial Arts from my daily work schedule. That is the reason why the 2-minute fitness program caught my attention.

Anyone can afford to spend 2 minutes. Tony Bahu founder of the 2-minute fitness program provides a full workout composed of minutes only. If you failed earlier in elaborate fitness programs, the 2-minute fitness program may be the right program for you. As you don’t have to invest large amounts of time in the program, you will probably not give up so easily.

5 Fitness Myths That Are Responsible For Thousands of Fitness Failures

Unfortunately, many people are misinformed and are also misled by the many promises of the weight loss industry. Everywhere you look, you see or hear of people promising “Dramatic Weight Loss” with products such as “The Fat Trapper”, or “Exercise in a Bottle”.

Then you also have the hundreds of diets out there such as “The Zone”, “Sugar Busters” or “The Atkins Diet”. I’m sure you have heard of many of these yourself. You might have even tried some of them. Unfortunately, these products and diets are not the quick fix, or the miracles they are portrayed as. They are also usually very dangerous.

Below are some common misconceptions among people with regard to exercise and nutrition.

1. You need to exercise to burn fat.
The truth is you don’t gain body fat because of a lack of exercise. You gain it because your blood sugar levels exceed what you are using. Basically, you are eating too many calories at one time.

2. Your metabolism slows down once you hit 30.
WRONG! Actually, hundreds of research studies have shown that the slow down in metabolism is due to a loss of muscle  tissue. And the loss of muscle tissue is directly related to a lack of hard physical activity!

3. Pasta and bread are fattening.

Anything is fattening! Lettuce can be stored as fat! Any food or drink, which contains calories, can be stored as body fat if it causes your blood sugar levels to exceed what the body needs at that time. Bread and pasta are actually great sources of complex carbohydrate! The key is how much you eat and when you eat it.

4. Eating after 7pm will make you fat.

Absolutely false! It all depends on whether or not the body needs that number of calories at that time. Keep in mind your body is constantly burning calories, 24 hours per day, just the amount!

5. Strength training will make you bulk up.

Another NO! It seems as if mostly women are concerned with this one. Muscle size is primarily affected by genetics and hormone production; therefore, most women don’t have the potential to build very large muscles.

Muscle burns calories, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn which makes easier to burn fat and harder to gain it!

By no means is this a complete list! There are so many I could write a whole book just about them.

The key is in education, but not by reading fitness magazines!

Fitness and Exercise and the Older Adult

Fitness and exercise are not just for children and young people. Older adults can reap mountains of benefits from becoming engaged in a regular fitness program and many are doing so. In fact, more older adults are taking fitness and exercise seriously now than in recent decades.

Mall walking is a popular activity for older adults. Brisk walking is one of the best and safest forms of exercise. Shopping malls offer consistent temperature and protection from the elements.

If it is snowing or raining outside, you can still walk in the mall, getting all the benefits of a fitness and exercise program without having to brave inclement weather.

Swimming is another popular activity many older adults enjoy. Swimming works every muscle in the body but is easy on the knees and joints. While many older adults enjoy swimming laps, others have incorporated water-based calisthenics into their fitness and exercise programs, with great results.

The baby boom generation of Americans is getting older, with many baby boomers now reaching retirement age. This generation though is different from preceding generations. Baby boomers tend to live longer and are more concerned about health.

More baby boomers watch their diets, try to control their weight and make fitness and exercise a regular part of their lives than older Americans have in past generations.

Add to that the advancements made in medical treatments and these baby boomers can expect to live for many years to come. Physical fitness will continue to play a major role in their lives.

Of course, fitness and exercise are not the only factors to be concerned with. Diet also plays a part. A high fiber diet, with most carbohydrates coming from whole grains, vegetables and fruits; and protein coming from more lean portions of meat to limit fat also contribute to health.

When proper diet and fitness are linked the result more often than not is a healthy person, no matter what the age. Combining fitness and exercise with good nutrition is a win-win situation for everyone involved.



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