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Insane Muscle Gain

Insane Muscle Gain

The Top 20 Ways To Screw Up In The Gym

Learn How To Sidestep These Suicide Training
Errors While Trying To Build Muscle…

by Vince DelMonte

If you have never heard of me before than you’re in for a treat! Growing up as an awkward, skinny, endurance athlete, I earned the nick-name Skinny Vinny and believed I had no muscle friendly genes whatsoever. You can consider me a regular guy, with horrible bodybuilding genetics and a super charged metabolism.

After a tragic event in his life, I retired from long distance running and entered the world of natural bodybuilding (although I never saw myself as a bodybuilder per se). I just wanted to look good for the ladies (I was 22 and single at the time) and be “that guy” who turned heads on the streets, at the beach and in the gym.

I wanted to be “that guy” who people starred at while he trained and “that guy” who people approached and said, “What should I do to look like you?” I wanted to prove that any regular guy with horrible genetics, no matter what your age, could build muscle and have a rock-hard, muscular and ripped physique while still being fit and functional.

After meeting my musclebuilding “Saviour,” I went on to gaining 41 lbs. of rock-hard muscle in six months, which lead to my transformation being featured all over the Internet as well as the International fitness magazine, Maximum Fitness.

For five years I ran a personal training department, in Hamilton Ontario, of 15 full time trainers and became the most sought out trainer in my area. I entered the world of fitness modeling a few years ago and, in my 3rd, show ever, became a national fitness model champion. Currently I write for Men’s Fitness Magazine, and I am on the Advisory Team for Maximum Fitness Magazine.

Do a Google search on my name and you’ll see that I am a real person, my website is not a scam and that I can and want to help you achieve your leanest and most muscular physique! ever!

My personal success story and thousands of client success stories inspired the creation of No-Nonsense Muscle Building, the Internet’s number one rated muscle building program of it’s
time found at www.VinceDel MonteFitness.com (as ranked by Clickbank.com). It is the only program that you can find that is endorsed by the Internet’s most reputable sources.

Each day, I receive dozens of unsolicited success stories and spectacular before and after pictures from real-life users of the program, many that you can read and view for yourself on my website.

I trust that my personal transformation story, my reputation, the expert endorsements and my client success stories are enough to reassure this program is not another trend or scam and is the top-rated muscle building on the Internet for a reason!

I see no reason why you cannot build the body of your dreams unless you are not truly committed to your goals and not willing to put in the effort.

Can I ask you a couple of
honest questions?

Who in the last 10 years has influenced you the most with regards to how to train? Where have you and where has everyone else learned how to build muscle?

Would you agree that bodybuilding magazines and websites have contributed to the bulk of the training information and misinformation today? I don’t want to be completely critical,
but I am sure you would agree that the majority of mainstream bodybuilding literature caters to the genetically gifted or to the drug user – which leaves the rest of us wandering…

Today, with the jungle of conflicting and misleading messages, I do not want you to make the same titanic mistakes and training errors that may be costing you hundreds of hours in the gym with nothing to show for your hard-earned training efforts.

While I was known as “Skinny Vinny,” I also fell into the trap of taking advice from unqualified ‘experts’, reading rehashed magazines, trading wads of cash for different supplements and still got comments like, “You work out with weights?”

Yes, it was frustrating not knowing how or being able to build muscle. Unless you are content training for “general fitness” results and just want to decrease your stress levels then you must learn to filter out the noise and nonsense you are bombarded with each day and follow a weight training program and meal plan designed for you.

In my muscle building course, No-Nonsense Muscle Building, I share a blueprint of the most fundamental principles and techniques that MUST be executed to gain up to 5-pounds of lean muscle mass each month!

If everything in life starts off as a dream. if you don’t have that vision, you’ll never make things happen.

” Gary Strydom”

Once you master these principles you will be anchored to a proven set of criteria required to gain muscle and gain weight progressively without getting fat.

Stack up any information, concept, hype or advice against these principles – and you will never be frustrated, confused or disillusioned ever again. You will know exactly what to believe and how to spend every minute in the gym. Isn’t that refreshing?


“Insane Muscle Gain”

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Warmest Regards, Coyalita Linville

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor

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