2612568276918. Twenty Positive Discipline Strategies for Coaching Young Athletes

Twenty Positive Discipline Strategies for Coaching Young Athletes

Twenty Positive Discipline Strategies for Coaching Young Athletes

Twenty Positive Discipline Strategies for Coaching Young Athletes – The word discipline often elicits images of punishment, raised voices and the use of power to control the misbehavior of subordinates. But the “drill sergeant” image of demanding “good behavior” is only a very small part of a well-disciplined program.

You can have a huge impact on molding the character of young athletes by cultivating within each athlete a personal sense of responsibility for their own actions – in other words self-discipline.

The overriding theme should be to encourage in each athlete the development of a sense of self-discipline that ultimately places the responsibility for self-control and discipline on the shoulders of the athlete.

Coaching provides many such opportunities for teaching self-discipline, and many of the techniques discussed in this chapter can help to instill it.

Athletes who understand the consequences of their actions are more likely to behave responsibly. Responsibility is not blame or guilt.

Rather responsibility is an important character trait that helps athletes to understand that their ability to make good choices permits them to exert some degree of control over the consequences – both positive and negative – of those choices.

There is no single best method of cultivating discipline. However, a number of principles, when properly applied, can have a positive influence on the effectiveness of your coaching. Your choice of techniques should vary depending upon the circumstances. Misbehaviors are rarely directed at the coach personally.

Coaches who see their role as one of developing athletes and facilitating their growth and maturity will see the techniques of positive discipline as important strategies for assisting their athletes rather than as a tool of keeping those athletes “in line”.

While lists concerning complex subjects rarely can be considered complete, lists can help simplify and organize what might otherwise be an overwhelming amount of material.

Here are 20 simple guidelines that can influence discipline:

1. Establish your authority early. In other words, be prepared; know what you want done; confront discipline problems early before they get worse.

2. Relate in a warm, natural way, but never as a peer.

3. Get to know all your athletes by name and develop an understanding of their individual and collective personalities as quickly as possible. Discipline actions are most effective and have fewer side effects when they are clearly directed at specific individuals rather than generalized to the entire team.

4. Talk less. Keep in mind that while you are speaking, your athletes are less likely to be involved and participating. Furthermore, effective communication is based as much on effective listening skills as on verbal skills. Talk with your athletes not at them.

5. Avoid yelling. A firm, confident request or statement is usually far more effective than loud, threatening demands.

6. Avoid sarcasm. Show the same respect that you wish to receive.

7. Use corrective behaviors that are different from the ordinary. Silence, a sharp command, a scowl, or a simple clap of the hands are all effective means of correcting misbehavior in the proper circumstance if they are not used repeatedly.

8. View the problem from the athlete’s frame of reference and always keep in mind the possibility that something you are doing may be the cause. Assume initially that there had to be a justifiable reason.

9. Minimize public criticism. While public censure demonstrates to others that rules are enforced and that the perpetrator is not “getting away” with misbehaviors that others would be sanctioned for, scolding an athlete in public for misbehaviors that others have not engaged in is usually a poor choice of action. Public praise, on the other hand, can be very effective.



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Twenty Positive Discipline Strategies for Coaching Young Athletes