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Fit for Life!

Fit for Life!

How to Use Exercise to Improve
All Areas of Your Life

Fit for Life!The Motivation You Need to Exercise? 

How many times have you decided to exercise and not taken action? You know exercise is good for you, yet the motivation hasn’t surfaced.

There is definitely a difference between knowing you should do
something and wanting to do something, and exercise often gets
pushed to the side because quite frankly no one really wants to do it.

The key to exercising, and wanting to exercise, is twofold. The first component to success is to find an exercise that you actually like. No joke, there are probably dozens of exercises that you would find fun and enjoyable. The second component of this is to align your newfound fun exercise options with your goals.

What do you want to achieve by exercising and how do you want it to improve your life?

Over the course of this eBook we’ll take a look at 15 ways that exercise improves your life. You’ll have an abundance of benefits to choose from. We’ll also talk about a wide variety of exercises along the way so you can begin to think beyond the elliptical and treadmill. Those are both great exercise machines, but there are more options to consider.

Rest assured, once you find an exercise or two that you enjoy and you begin to realize the benefits of exercise, you will become a lifetime exerciser.

Let’s get started!

#1 Exercise Helps You Lose Weight and Maintain Weight Loss

You know this already. You know that exercise burns calories. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn. A pound is 3,500 calories. So for every 3,500 calories you burn, you lose a pound. Initially, when you begin exercising you may see the weight fall off.

This is because you’re burning fat stores. If you add strength training to your workouts, you’ll also burn more calories throughout your day because your muscles need extra calories to repair themselves.

The great news is that all exercise burns calories. True, some burn more than others. You’ll burn more calories if you go cross- country skiing than if you play a game of golf.

However, the bottom line is that you’re burning calories and moving your body. Do that every day and you’ll lose weight and control weight gain.

An Example of a Simple Weight Loss Exercise…

Let’s talk about walking for exercise. If you haven’t exercised in a while, or ever, walking is a great place to start. You know you can walk. It’s an exercise that allows you the confidence to start.

As you begin to improve your health and fitness you can add exercises to your routine or increase your fitness walking goals.

An hour of walking each day, at a four mile per hour pace (15-minute miles) burns between 250 and 300 calories. Just this and you’d lose a pound every 14 days. That’s two pounds or more a month and all you have to do is walk.

Tip If your goal is to lose weight or maintain your weight, don’t exercise hungry or you might eat more after the workout than you burned. Maintain your caloric intake so you’re able to burn more than you consume.

#2 Exercise Helps Prevent Chronic Disease and Can Reverse Some Diseases

There are several chronic conditions that exercise can reverse, improve, or prevent. For example, many people suffering from arthritis are told to exercise daily. The movement helps reduce pain and improve mobility. However, let’s take a look at three of the most common conditions that people suffer from and how exercise can help improve the lives of people who are impacted.

Type II Diabetes

Type II Diabetes affects millions of Americans and it’s reversible. With proper diet and exercise you can regain your health. If you’re familiar with Diabetes then you know that it happens when your body becomes insulin resistant. Your cells no longer take in glucose for energy. The glucose stays in your blood stream. You end up with high blood sugar and low energy.

Exercise actually stimulates your cells to become more receptive to insulin. They need it to help you continue exercising. The blood glucose enters your cells, and your body returns to a more normal level.

When you are active, your cells become more sensitive to insulin so it can work more efficiently. Your cells also remove glucose from the blood using a mechanism totally separate from insulin during exercise.

If you’re looking for an exercise that’s great for your body, try bicycling. It’s easy on your joints and you can ride at any pace that feels comfortable to you. If you struggle with bike seats and comfort, try a recumbent. The seat is more like a chair. Indoor bikes are an option if cycling outdoors isn’t easy for you.

Heart Disease

Your heart is a muscle, so exercise automatically begins to help your heart get stronger and healthier. Additionally, regular exercise actually helps improve many of the risk factors that cause heart disease. Exercise improves blood pressure and reduces cholesterol, both of which are contributing factors of heart disease.

While any exercise is great for your heart, strength training improves muscle strength and endurance. Strength training can be anything from push-ups and sit-ups to weight- lifting.



Exercise Improves Your Mood

Exercises that Improve Your Mood

Regular Exercise Boosts Your Energy

Example of Exercises that Create Energy

Regular Exercise Helps You Get Better Sleep

Exercises that Help Boost Sleep

Regular Exercise Helps Improve Your Sex Life

What Types Of Exercises Boost Libido?

Exercise Brings More Fun Into Your Life

Tips For Finding Exercises That Are Fun

Think about what you liked to do as a child.

Try something new

Embrace your passions

Find a friend

And Much More…


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Regards, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor

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