2612568276918. Zyzz’s Bodybuilding Bible

ZYZZS Body Building Bible

ZYZZS Body Building Bible

Zyzz’s Bodybuilding Bible – Thanks for purchasing Zyzz’s Bodybuilding Bible. I’ll be covering off on everything from diet and training all the way through to what Supplements you should be taking, and even the lifestyle you should be living; all to get the body of your dreams.

It doesn’t happen overnight, and you need to be realistic, but if you’re doing everything right then this is all scientifically proven to work, and I’ve also tried it all myself and gotten results.

For those of you who are new to bodybuilding, this guide serves to inform you of everything you need to see results. You won’t need to search around the internet for answers, or get contradicting answers from bodybuilding mags, I’ll lay it out nice and simple for you.

For those of you who have already been training and dieting consistently, this guide will show you how I do it, and you’ll hopefully be able to put together a more complete program, and  achieve better results, even if it’s just stripping off those extra few pounds before summer.

Good luck with this guide, hopefully you’ll learn something and take your body to the next level. I know that if I had all of this information back when I started, I’d be years ahead of where I am now.

The Basics

Getting Aesthetic

Bodybuilding MythsYou can change the shape of your muscles.

This isn’t physically possible. While you can improve the size of your muscles and enhance your definition by lowering your body-fat, it’s impossible to alter the shape of your muscles by training in specific ways. Unfortunately, you’re limited by genetics’.

You can spot-reduce fat

Have you ever seen those infomercials that try to sell you something that will work your abs and reduce your bodyfat? It doesn’t work. Where you carry more fat is limited by genetics, what you can however do is reduce your overall bodyfat and your abs will follow.

High Reps make you ripped

While High Reps will increase your muscular endurance, they won’t actually help in altering your definition at all. This is completely a myth.

Train like a bodybuilder and look like a bodybuilder

So, you think by training like Ronnie Coleman you’ll be able to look like him? Unfortunately, not. Ronnie blessed with genetics you could only dream of. The upside is you can still make massive gains and look incredibly aesthetic, regardless of your genetics. Anyone can improve themselves.

All Fat is bad fat

Fats are an essential part of your diet, and not all fats are made equal. You will find out later in this book what the difference between the fats is, but the main thing to remember is, fats are absolutely essential.

You can get big and cut at the same time

It’s basically impossible to put on muscle while losing fat at the same time. While it can theoretically happen to a small extent, the results will be minimal. This is why you need to have bulking and cutting cycles, it is the only way to achieve the body of your dreams.

You don’t need to eat – you just need supplements

Supplements are just that, they’re there to ‘supplement’ your diet. You need to eat food, good food. If you live on supplements or rely on them too heavily, you risk missing out on vital nutrients that you need to grow and will ultimately hinder your results dramatically.

You grow while you’re in the gym

This is another un-truth. While you will ‘pump up’ in the gym, this is simply blood going to your muscles supplying them with energy. When you leave the gym, these will go down as you have noticed. All of the actual growing and muscle building occurs while you are resting and recovering.

You can turn fat into muscle

Fat cannot convert into muscle. This cannot biologically happen.  Fat needs to be burned off and used, and muscle needs to be built – it is two separate processes.

Body Types

Not everyone is born equal, and generally they fall within 3 different categories. This doesn’t mean you’re limited to improving your body dramatically, it simply means you need to prepare your diet in a correct manner to allow for this.


This is typically what is known as the “Hard-Gainer”. Naturally skinny, the ectomorph requires more calories as their base metabolic rate is much faster than others. This can be accounted for simply by eating more.


Mesomorphs generally have a great metabolism and put muscle on easily. These are the lucky ones – I wasn’t lucky enough to fall directly in this category. Mesomorphs need a diet very similar to an ectomorph.


Endomorphs generally have a slow base metabolic rate, and a high affinity to retaining fat. When building a diet, you should lower the ratio of the fat, and generally eat fewer overall calories in order to stay aesthetic.


Genetics are your foundation. They limit what you are automatically gifted with, and what you can eventually achieve. This includes how fast your metabolism is, and even the shape of your muscles and bone structure.

You can grow your muscles and drop your bodyfat, but you can’t change your shape, as you are limited by genetics. Don’t let this get you down, you don’t need perfect genetics to have a phenomenal body, it just means it may be a harder process than those who were naturally gifted with good genetics.

Putting it all together

It takes everything put together to achieve an excellent body. Without proper diet and training you will get nowhere. Your body needs the nutrients to grow, if your diet isn’t right, you will struggle to recover, and will fail at building more muscle.

You need to train hard in order to stimulate the muscles, diet correctly to provide nutrients for growth and recovery, and rest adequately to ensure your body can recover and develop new muscle.

If you are failing to provide your body with any of these parts, it will not have the ingredients to get the results you’re  trying to achieve.

What’s Included…

Chapter 2: Diet

Chapter 3: Training

Chapter 4: Supplements

Chapter 5: Lifestyle

Chapter 6: Keto Diet

Chapter 7: Re-Evaluating Your Needs

Chapter 8: Dealing with a Plateau

Chapter 9: Advanced Training Techniques

Chapter 10: What You’ve Learnt


Thank you for taking to time to read my book, it’s excellent to see my fan’s and followers are seeking to fulfil their dreams and achieve greatness, and I’m humbled to be helping you along the way.

The main thing you need to do now is stick with it. It’s an ongoing process, a lifestyle if you will, and it takes time and commitment. If you diet right and train hard, you’re guaranteed results, it’s impossible not to grow.

– Eat the right foods and the right amount
– Train right – don’t cheat yourself
– Supplement where you need to
– Push yourself to the limit

Good luck, and I hope that some day I’ll be coming to you for tips,

– Zyzz


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Regards, Coyalita Linville

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor

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