By Jeremy Ethier

A FULL BODY WORKOUT ROUTINE – This full body workout routine consists of 3 training days per week. You will alternate between “workout A” (which is covered in this PDF) and “workout B” (which will be covered in another PDF). Your schedule will look like the following:

Monday – Workout A
Tuesday – Rest
Wednesday – Workout B
Thursday – Rest
Friday – Workout A
Saturday/Sunday – Rest
Monday – Workout B
Tuesday – Rest
Wednesday – Workout A
Thursday – Rest
Friday – Workout B

The exact days don’t matter for your workouts, but the key is to get at least one rest day in between each workout, getting 3 workouts in per week, and ensuring that you’re rotating between Workouts A and B. Abs and calves’ exercises can be thrown into the main workouts as well or performed on rest days.


This version is designed for beginner lifters (those relatively new to the gym). The main difference between this workout and the intermediate workout is total sets, an adjustment in the rep ranges, and less accessory movements.


This version is designed for more experienced lifters who already have a solid foundation of muscle and strength and are proficient in performing the movements prescribed. The main difference between this workout and the beginner workout is an increase in the number of sets, an adjustment in the rep ranges, and more accessory movements.



Working Muscles: Chest, Triceps, Deltoids

Step 1 (Positioning): Lie down on the bench so that the bar is sitting directly over your eyes. Grab the bar with a width such that your pinky’s just inside the ring marks (but experiment and see what grip-width works best for you). Raise your chest up towards the ceiling and squeeze your shoulder-blades back and down by pinching your shoulder blades together. Keep your butt on the bench. Bring your feet back under your knees and plant them firmly on the ground. As a result, there should be space between your lower back and the bench (an arch). Squeeze your glutes to help you maintain a stable position.

Step 2 (Unrack): Straighten your arms to lift the bar up. Move the bar so that it’s balanced directly over your shoulders.

Step 3 (Descend): Lower the bar to slightly below your nipples while slightly tucking your elbows and keeping your forearms vertical and directly under your wrists. Make sure to use full range of motion such that the bar physically touches  your chest at the bottom.

Step 4 (Press): Press the bar from below your nipples to directly above your shoulders. The bar should not travel straight  up and down, but rather slightly back towards the starting position. Focus on moving the weight by squeezing your chest together (think about trying to bring your biceps together). Your shoulder-blades should be retracted and pulled down throughout the press, and your butt should remain in contact with the bench.


Working Muscles: Quadriceps, Glutes

Step 1 (Placement): Grab the bar with an overhand grip slightly Wider than shoulder-width. Place the bar on your upper-back (traps) by dipping under the bar. Raise your chest up and retract your shoulder blades.

Step 2 (Unrack): Unrack the bar, take 3 steps back, then adjust your footing. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart or a little wider. You can point your toes out slightly if this is more comfortable. But play around with foot positioning to find what’s comfortable for you.

Step 3 (Descent): Take a deep breath in and hold it. You want to use this breath to brace your core (think about contracting your abs how you would if someone were to punch your stomach). Move your hips back while bending your knees to squat down. Squat down until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground. If you have the mobility to do so, then you can go further below parallel.’

Step 4 (Ascent): Squat back up by pushing through your heels. Keep your knees inline with your toes by thinking about “spreading the floor apart” with your feet. Avoid creeping up on your toes or collapsing your knees inward. Keep your lower back neutral and your chest up. You can exhale as you press up, or keep your breath held and then exhale at the top position. Then repeat for more reps.


Working Muscles: Lats, Shoulder/Scapular Stabilizers

Step 1 (Set Up): Grab the pull-up bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width – I’d suggest using a “thumbless grip” as it usually helps better activate the back. Next, depress your upper traps and keep them this way as you pull.

Step 2 (Pull): Pull yourself up by pulling your elbows down to the floor, you want to think about pulling with your elbows as opposed to pulling with your hands. It’s preferred to keep your feet straight down throughout the pull-up, but if your pull-up bar doesn’t allow this then it’s perfectly fine to cross your feet over and bend your knees.

Step 3 (Top Position): You want to pull such that at least your eyes reach over the bar – and at this point, you want to ensure that your shoulders are not rounding forward (internally rotating) and are instead retracted back.

Step 4 (Descent): Lower your body in a controlled manner until your arms are straight, and then repeat for another rep. As soon as you’re able to perform 8 or more bodyweight pull-ups in one set, I’d suggest adding a little bit of weight by either using a weight belt or holding a dumbbell between your feet then  continue adding more weight overtime.




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Warmest Regards, Coyalita Linville

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor

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