2612568276918. Bootcamp Workout Ideas

Bootcamp Workout Ideas

Bootcamp Workout Ideas

Dear Friend,

Thank you and congratulations on downloading this e-manual of BOOTCAMP WORKOUT IDEAS!

I say congratulations because you have just made a seriously good investment in both yourself and your fitness business. The
workouts in this book have been very carefully prepared and tested on real groups of clients.

Over the years, I have invested thousands of dollars to learn just what makes a successful boot camp business. I did this because I already knew what didn’t work in my own business – and maybe you are reading this now because you are in the same position as I was back then when I started out?

Or maybe you already have a good bootcamp business and you want to inject it with some original ideas to turn it into a great boot camp business? Either way, I think you will appreciate the information presented here.

You probably already know by now that retaining clients is absolutely fundamental to building a solid and profitable business. You may also have learned that providing fun and variety in your training is the single best way of retaining clients.

Not only that, but satisfied clients love to tell their friends and family how awesome they feel after their workouts – so much so that they bring them along too. When you get it right, your clients become your best salespeople!

So please believe me when I say that the difference between a great outdoor training business and an average one comes down to the quality of the workouts that you deliver and the way that you deliver them.

If you are already a qualified personal trainer, then you know how important it is to include the right balance of relevant exercises, and to ensure that the workouts themselves form part of a program that continually gets results for your clients.

Thought must be put into appropriate exercise selection – and that takes time. Throwing a bunch of random exercises  together into a set of prescribed ‘formats’ or worse, using the same format every time with different exercises will eventually  lead to clients becoming bored and dissatisfied – and that is not good for business.

That is why this is presented as a complete program of workouts, not workout formats. Some of the workouts have 2 or 3 variations on the same theme but they are still different workouts. They have been designed around exercises, not the other way round.

It is organized into 6 categories because that helps me to plan my programs. It is a fact that constantly varying the exercise.
stimulus is the best way to avoid training plateaus so in many ways, the program could be considered just as important as the
workouts themselves. (By the way, there is a 3 month program included).

You will find running-based workouts – running is the king of outdoor exercise – and some high intensity sessions too. Some
workouts are there purely to develop strength, some are centred on teamwork and there are also some original twists on the old
bootcamp circuit format for you to try.

If you haven’t yet used boxing in your outdoor sessions, then there are some great boxing workouts incorporated that will help you to introduce that modality into your training programs.

Remember, these workouts didn’t come together by accident.  They are the product of many dollars’ worth of investment in my own education and many, many hours of trial and error in the field.

Thanks again on behalf of all your current and future bootcamp clients – for investing in yourself and becoming a truly exceptional outdoor PTI.

To your success!

Garry Robinson


Warming up is obviously very important physically, but in a group training environment it provides the perfect opportunity to introduce new clients to the group, break the ice and allow everyone to get to know each other a little bit better.

Use these warmup activities to create a sense of camaraderie and ‘esprit de corps’ among the group. This element is absolutely vital to conducting successful and memorable outdoor training sessions.

Fun warmups really set the tone for the workout. Do not skip over this vital opportunity to give your clients a truly rewarding exercise experience. Emphasize interactivity, crack jokes, lighten the mood and use everyone’s name a lot.

1. Big Letters
Everyone in the group spreads out, leaving about 2 arm lengths distance from the nearest person. Start by getting everyone to jog on the spot slowly and punch their arms out in front while you explain the warm-up: Imagine the first letter of your first name written out on the ground in front of you.

It is about 4m high. Follow the outline of the letter by running over it while facing the same direction – this means going forward, backward, sideways and “jumping” on any dots.

Repeat for each letter in your first name. Instead of names you could use calendar months, celebrity names, geographical locations, movies, favorite ‘4-letter’ words etc. Gradually increase the intensity by doubling the size of the letters or duck walking out the letters.

2. Ball Throws
Partner up the participants and give each pair an air-filled ball. It can be a soccer ball, tennis ball, rugby ball, volleyball etc. It doesn’t matter. Start passing the ball back and forward between pairs.

We will gradually introduce more complex movements but explain that if the ball is dropped on the ground both people must stop and do 10-star jumps. Be creative with the throwing progressions.

Here are some suggestions: One handed throws and catches, clap your hands before catching the ball, touch your head before catching, touch the ground before catching, running and passing the ball, overhead passes, one-bounce passes (interesting with arugby ball).

Then combine the movements such as ‘bounce pass, touch the ground and clap your hands’ before catching. Keep going until the balls start landing everywhere and the whole group is doing star jumps.

3. Indian Walk
Divide the group into single files of 6 to 10 people spaced out about 1.5m apart. Start moving at a brisk walk and explain that the single file formation must be maintained.

The person at the back of the line jogs to the front and raises both hands in the air to signal to the person at the back to come forward.

That person then jogs to the front and raises both hands. Continue to jog around a sports field, walking trail, town or neighborhood in this fashion.

Gradually start to increase the intensity and ranges of movement by having the walkers do ‘boots to glutes’, ‘high knees’, can-can walk, arm circles, punching out in front, punching above their head, tip-toe walks.

As the warm-up progresses, the line of walkers can start jogging slowly so that the back-to-front of line becomes a moderately fast run.

Again, be creative with the movements here. You could extend this warm-up into a full training session by adding in time-based intervals of travelling exercises such as lunges, bear crawls, duck walk, leap frogs etc. The possibilities are endless.

Fitter participants can be kept challenged by doing a push up or burpee before running to the front or by running around the entire line once before going to the front.


Hoover Ball


Shadow Boxing Drills

Partner Tag

Fitball (Swissball)

Magic Warm-up Square

Modified Netball


And Much More…


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Regards, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor

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