EXPOSED! The Biggest Lies And Myths Of Weight Loss


Discover Why The Food And Diet Industries Want To Make YOU FAT!

EXPOSED! The Biggest Lies And Myths Of Weight Loss – Hi, this is Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Below you will find the transcripts of a very powerful interview I just recorded. I know you’re going to find this information to be incredibly eye- opening. In fact, some things will probably shock you!

Here’s what I recommend you do:

1) Take a few minutes right now to devour the entire report. Trust me, you’re not going to be able to stop once you get going.

2) Next, take a moment to think about how these Lies and Myths of Weight Loss have affected you over the years. But I warn you, you might be a little ticked off once you realize what these big, money hungry corporations have been doing to you – for years!

3) Quickly make a small list of friends and family members you KNOW need to see these Lies and Myths EXPOSED! Then feel free to email them this report directly.

4) At the end of the report you will find words of encouragement from men/women just like YOU who have turned their life around and created the body of their dreams!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, yes, I’m very much a real person.

Lastly, I just want to thank you for placing your trust in me and taking the time to read this report. It means the world to me. And I congratulate you on starting the journey towards a new and healthier you.

Jim: Hi everyone. My name is Jim Labadie and I am here today with registered dietitian and the author of the Carb Rotation Diet, Jayson Hunter and today we’re going to be talking about the top lies and myths that the weight loss industry, the diet industry, and the food companies use to make and keep you fat.

Yes, there are obviously millions of people who are overweight, obese, in the United States and the world and these companies and these industries are actually betting on and hoping that their lies and myths are going to keep you fat so you keep coming back for more.

So, we’re going to expose these lies and myths today. Jayson’s going to reveal all of them to you so you don’t get fooled by them again.

So, with that being said, Jayson thank you very much for being here today.

Jayson: You’re very welcome, I’m glad to be here.

Jim: Alright. So just really quick, very briefly, just give us a quick rundown on your qualifications. Just tell us a little bit about yourself.

Jayson: Okay. I’m a registered dietitian and I’ve been in practice over 10 years now. My focus is weight loss as well as nutritional supplementation. Not necessarily both of them combined to achieve weight loss but two separate areas of focus that I try to focus on, and I am married with a young daughter that keeps me very busy and, just trying to help as many people as I can lose weight and keep it off forever since it’s an ever-growing problem that seems to be getting worse.

Jim: Absolutely. I think that’s the big thing there is keep it off. That’s what we really want to do with this report and with the Carbrotation diet. So, let’s just get into it really quick. Again, everybody who’s either listening to this or is reading this report  there are tons and tons of scams out there. Some will give you instant results, but as you know it’s that yo-yo cycle where you just go up and down in your weight and the food companies aren’t any help with the products that they’re selling you. So, you’ve been misled to, you’ve been lied to and we’re going to expose all those things today. So, Jayson let’s just get started.

Jayson: Okay.

Jim: What would you consider to be the number one weight loss lie?

Jayson: I would probably classify number one as deceptive food advertising, because these huge food corporations, they’re spending billions of dollars every year trying to get their product into the market and get you to buy it. So, they will pretty much do everything possible to convince you of something, whether it’s true or false, but if it gets you to buy their product they’re going to go as far into the gray areas of food law as, humanly possible.

For example, here’s just a real quick one, most of your not so healthy foods are going to be at eye-level on the shopping shelves and the reason is, they’re higher profit margins because they’re easier to make with these simple cheap ingredients. They use these high-fat, high-calorie ingredients and so not only is the food manufacturer making more money, but the store is making more money. So, wouldn’t you think they are going to put them right at your line of sight so that you easily grab those without having to bend down and get something or reach up high and get something? They want it to be as easy as possible for you. And that’s just a simple one. They get even into more detail in regard to fat-free products.

Jim: Let’s get into that fat free, because the fat-free craze isn’t as big as it used to be but still people go after fat-free foods all the time because they think, “Alright, it’s fat-free so it’s not going to make me fat.” Kind of explain fat-free and why these foods can actually make you fat.

Jayson: Well, if you remove all the fat from something there has to be something that replaces that ingredient and process foods taste good because they’re either loaded with sugar, fat, and/or sodium, so, if you remove one you’re going to have to increase another to continue to make that food taste good and
I think most of us know now, obviously, fat-free doesn’t mean calorie-free as everyone learned with the whole Snack Wells craze. People were eating half the box of Snack Well cookies because they were fat-free. Well, they were also half a box of pretty much pure sugar so you’re still taking in possibly twice as many calories as you normally would, which is going to lead to fat gain. Your body just can’t burn that off and good fat is actually necessary for energy production, production of hormones, promote healthy skin and hair, and assist in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

You need fat in your body to be able to function efficiently and it helps you feel fuller sooner and longer. Not that you want to eat a lot of fat, but you need to have some good healthy fat in your body so that it can function efficiently. And, like I said if you chose things that are fat-free, something has to replace that and it’s usually going to be sugar, most of the time, which is also a very high calorie substitute and mentally people think it’s fat-free, “I can eat more of this.” But actually, you should probably eat less. It’s probably worse off eating more sugar than it is more fat when it comes to just packing on the pounds.

Jim: Okay. So there are two things I want to get into real quick Jayson. First thing is saturated fat is actually healthy for you to a certain degree, correct? In other words, you can’t go and eat Whoppers and Big Macs and foods that are just slammed with saturated fat and calories just constantly. Saturated fat gets a bad name by, again, these weight loss and diet food companies because they prey on your ignorance of not knowing. Saturated fat is found in nature, and it does have a place in your diet.



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