2612568276918. A Book of Supplementation for Diabetics

A Book of Supplementation for Diabetics

Supplementation for Diabetics

“All you need is a proper diet of fresh fruits and vegetables and get plenty of exercise and you’ll be fine.”

Ever heard those words from your doctor? If that’s all they recommend, then you’re missing an important ingredient for health that he’s not telling you.

The fact is that you can adhere to the strictest diet, watch everything you eat and get the exercise of a marathon runner and still come down with diabetic complications. Diet, exercise, and standard drug treatments simply aren’t enough to help keep your diabetes under control.


● Is Diet and Exercise Enough?
● About Diabetes

Malnutrition in America
● The Foods we Buy
● What we Don’t Eat

Looking at Diabetes and the factors leading up to it:
● Psychological aspect
● Toxic Environment
● Malnutrition
● Exercise
● Diet
● Supplements
● Immune functions
● Organ deficiency
● Chronic Infections

● Aging
● Oxygenation
● Injury
The Need for Supplements.
-Vitamin C
-Vitamin E
-B Vitamins: Niacin B-3, Biotin, B-6, B-12,
-Lipoic Acid
-Grape Seed Extract (pycnogenol)
-Sulphur (MSM)
-Bitter Melon
-Gymnema Sylvestre
-Salt Bush
-Ginkgo Biloba
Essential Fatty Acids:
-GLA (Evening primrose and borage)
-Fish and Flax Oil
-Color Vegetables
-Brewar’s Yeast
-Fiber Foods
Green Foods
-Green tea
-Barley and wheat grass
Dietary Fiber
-Mulberry Extract
-Touchi Extract
Recommended Daily Dosage for Diabetics

Diet and exercise are the two words given out by established medicine and the media as the only cure-all; repeated endlessly like a holy mantra.

The word “fresh” is glossed over and it is likely you miss that word too. The simple truth is that what you buy from your supermarket shelves and bring home is not fresh.

Those veggies look good on the outside, but they lack essential nutrients that everyone needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially those with diabetes. Without those nutrients, you are a prime target for degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease and arthritis.

Those veggies on your store shelves come from farms whose soil has been depleted of vitamins, minerals, and the antioxidants your body needs to maintain health. Today you’d have to chow down 17 bowls of spinach to get the same amount of nutrition that one bowl would have supplied 100 years ago.

And along with this severe depletion come the herbicides, pesticides, additives and other treatments to those fruits and vegetables fresh and looking good before they get to your kitchen table. If that wasn’t enough most of us live a hectic lifestyle that does nothing to help maintain good health. We smoke, we drink and eat far too much.

Lack of exercise and sleep leads to high stress and depression. With all these factors combined and you have a recipe for disease and death!

This Book is A Rare and Unique Find On the topic of Diabetes. If You or Someone you know has Diabetes, then this is the Book for All sufferers of the Disease.

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Warmest Regards, Coyalita