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Self-Improvement Made Easy!

Self-Improvement Made Easy!

Self-Improvement Made Easy! – Ten Ways To Change Your Life TODAY! When it comes to changing your life, it can seem like it will take years before you actually make substantial changes. You might feel like giving up before you even get  started.

What you need is a way to kick start the changes that you want to make in your life – and here are ten ways to get started today.

#1 Change Your Routine

One of the simplest ways to start improving and changing your life is to change something that you’ve always done. And it doesn’t have to even be related to the goal that you have in mind.

When you want to make changes in your life, you want to get the ball rolling somehow. To get that momentum going, try changing small things in your life today.

For example, have you ever driven to work and not remembered how you’ve gotten there? Not only is this a scary notion, but it also can be a great lesson in being aware of your surroundings and how they’re getting in the way of your self-improvement.

Here are some simple ways to change up your routine today:

Take a new route to work
Eat a meal during a different time of day (i.e. eat breakfast at dinnertime)
Change the order of your exercise routine
Get up earlier or later than you normally do
Do different chores around the house or ignore chores that you always do.

The point of this exercise is to realize that while we might feel comfortable in our lives, it’s that comfort and that ‘settling’ that might be getting in the way of the changes that we want to make.

Start the changes right now by changing other, not-as important parts of your life. You may be surprised at how different the world looks and much more likely you are to believe that bigger changes are indeed possible.

#2 Look in your closet

In Feng Shui decorating principles, when you use certain colors and positions of furniture in your house, you can affect greater changes in your life.

Taking this idea a step further, when you want to change something about your life for the better, doesn’t it make sense to start changing your surroundings?

A simple way to do this (without spending your money redecorating your house) is to simply change your appearance for a day.

You can do this by simply getting out of your clothing rut and trying something that is completely unlike you. For example, if you wear black all the time, try wearing a bright and boisterous color. If you’re someone that likes to wear colorful outfits, try something more toned down.

The point is to approach your outfit as you would your life – by changing it.

Your outward appearance can make you feel more confident in yourself because you know that you look as good as you feel or at least, as you want to feel. And that confidence will show up
in your actions as well as your interactions with others.

People can’t help but respond to change. When others notice that you are holding your head differently, they will begin to respond in kind. This is why you will hear the term, ‘power suit’ quite often. By putting on a costume of sorts, you can create a new you – a more powerful you.

If you feel that you don’t have anything in your closet to wear that will help you feel differently, it’s time to start thinking about new ways of wearing certain pieces of clothing together. Maybe you can simply wear a crazy pair of socks under your classic business suit. Or perhaps you can choose larger earrings or a silly necktie.

Whatever makes you feel different about yourself, try to incorporate that into the way that you’re dressing today.

Here are some other ideas:

Wear a skirt instead of pants (ladies, of course)
Try a different shirt with a suit – one that you’ve never paired together before
Wear a scarf to accessorize
Wear a different piece of jewelry

Go to the back of your closet to see what you can find – it just might change your life.

Here’s What’s Included

#3 Don’t lie

#4 Think like an optimist

#5 Don’t have any expectations

#6 Make a mistake

#7 Talk to a stranger

#8 Quit your job

#9 Find an old hobby

#10 Thank someone that you love

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