2612568276918. Strength And How To Obtain It!

Strength And How To Obtain It!

 Strength And How To Obtain It!


By Eugene Sandow

Strength And How To Obtain It! – Hundreds of letters reach me daily, asking „Can I become strong?” Yes, you can all  become strong if you have the will and use it in the right direction. But, in the first place, you must learn to exercise your mind. This first of all lessons in physical training is of the utmost importance. For on it the whole of my system depends.

If physical exercise alone and unaided could achieve the desired end, then would every one who, like the breaker of stones, has to use his muscles to earn his daily bread, become, in a popular acceptation of the term, “a strong man.”

The breaker of stones, however, never uses his mind. He has to get through a given amount of work, and his method is purely mechanical. Though he may use his muscles in hard work every day of the year it is unlikely that his strength will ever materially increase.

Exercise, indeed, without using the mind in conjunction with it, is of no use. It. is. the brain which develops the muscles.
Physical exercise must be commenced by degrees, first bringing into play one muscle, then two, then three, and so on, being careful all the time to put the mind into every movement.

Let me strongly advise every student to study well the anatomical chart which is published with this book. By its aid you will be able not only to receive a useful lesson in anatomy,
but you will also be able to see at a glance the exercise by which each muscle may be developed.



In commencing the system of exercises, described and
illustrated by the anatomical chart, there are certain questions which every student naturally asks himself.

Probably the very first of these questions is, “What part of the day ought I to devote to these exercises?”

The answer to this question must depend on the pupil himself — on his leisure and on his inclination. Some persons find the early morning the best and most convenient time; others prefer the afternoon; and a third class, again, find that they feel best and have the most leisure at night. I do not, therefore, lay down a hard and fast rule of time. The golden rule is to select such part of the day as suits you best, always avoiding exercise immediately after meals.

If possible, let two hours elapse between a meal and exercise. Moreover, do not exercise just before going to bed if you find it has a tendency to keep you awake. Many of my pupils find that they sleep much better after exercise; but there are some upon whom it has a reverse effect.

If all hours are equally convenient to the pupil the very best time for training under my system is the early morning. Stripped to the waist, in the privacy of his own room, the pupil will find that he can go through the whole course of exercises in from twenty minutes to half-an-hour.

It is desirable to exercise before a looking-glass. For you can thus follow the movements of the various muscles; and to see the muscles at work, and to mark their steady development, is itself a help and a pleasure. If the pupil is at all weak in the legs he may, in performing the exercises, bend the knees slightly. Or he may bend them one day and stand erect another. If possible, it is better of course to stand erect. In any case he must be able to stand erect before completing the course.

What I wish to impress on delicate pupils is the desirability of progress by degrees. Many men before beginning my system of physical training have been so weak that doctors have thought little of the prospect of saving their lives. Yet today they are amongst the strongest.

They have progressed gradually, always being careful not to undertake too much, and thus adapting the exercises to their own individual requirements. It may be mentioned also that the old as well as the young may derive great benefits from my system, though all who are over the age of fifty.

Should moderate the exercises on the lines suggested in the table of ages for pupils between fifteen and seventeen. My exercises will also be found of considerable benefit to persons who suffer from obesity.

Pupils must not be discouraged because, after the first few days’ training, they may feel stiff; It sometimes happens that a
young man or woman, or perhaps a middle aged one, sets out on the course of training with the greatest enthusiasm. After the first two or three days the enthusiasm perhaps wears off. Then comes a period of stiffness, and the pupil is inclined to think that he cannot be bothered to proceed with the course.

To such pupils, I would say, in all earnestness, “Don’t be overcome by apparent difficulties; if you wish to succeed, go forward; never draw back.” This stiffness, moreover, becomes a very pleasant feeling. You soon grow to like it; personally, indeed, it may be said that it is one of the most agreeable sensations I have ever had.

Frequently pupils ask me how long it should take them to get strong. The answer again depends on themselves, not only on their physical constitution, but also on the amount of will power they put into their exercises.

As I have said already, it is the brain that develops the muscles. Brain will do as much as dumb-bells, even more. For example, when you are sitting down reading practice contracting your muscles. Do this every time you are sitting down leisurely, and by contracting them harder and harder each time, you will find that it will have the same effect as the use of dumb-bells or any more vigorous form of exercise.

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