2612568276918. How to Overcome Procrastination

How to Overcome Procrastination

How to Overcome Procrastination

How Conquering Procrastination Can Help

You Reduce Stress

I believe that procrastination is the No. 1 cause of stress in our society today. Throughout history, great thinkers have noted the connection between the failure to take action and the feeling of anxiety.

The American philosopher William James once said, “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging of an uncompleted task.”

If you have the habit of putting off tasks you fear-if you tend to avoid situations and events that terrify you-your fears have grown out of proportion.

Every time you decide not to do something because you’re afraid of failing, your self-confidence takes another hit. There is only one way to
overcome fear-you have to force yourself to do the thing you fear. When you face your fear and do it anyway, your confidence gets a big boost.

Soon you will laugh at the imaginary fears that have kept you from becoming all that you can be. And you can do something about it today.

Establish goals. Prioritize. Measure your progress. Ask friends and office mates for feedback.

Adjust your goals if necessary. Reward yourself when you finish jobs. If you’re a leader, get procrastinators to encourage each other. Help them overcome their fear of getting things done.

Find a mentor to help you overcome your fear. When I have to do the thing I fear, I recite a verse from the Bible: “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:13)

Be as truthful as you can in your estimate of how long it will take to do the things you dislike. Many of the tasks we put off are simple ones. They cause an amount of stress….


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  • There’s Only One Way to Defeat Procrastination – Do Something!
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  • Tips For Students Who Want to Overcome Procrastination
  • Tired Of Putting Things Off? – Put An End to Procrastination Today
  • Win The War Against Procrastination – The Battle Begins in Your Mind
  • Don’t Let Procrastination Keep You Down
  • How A Positive Attitude Can Help You Overcome Procrastination
  • How To Beat Procrastination – Face Your Fear and Do It Anyway
  • How To Defeat Procrastination and Get the Most Out of Life
  • How To Defeat Procrastination – Believe You Can
  • How To Overcome Procrastination – Set Daily Goals
  • Increasing Your Energy Can Help You Defeat Procrastination
  • No More Excuses – How to Overcome Procrastination Today
  • Time – Your Most Valuable Asset in the War Against Procrastination
  • Why You Need an Action Plan to Defeat Procrastination



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Best Wishes, Coyalita