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“Empowered! to! GET FIT! ON! THE! GO”

“Empowered! to! GET FIT! ON! THE! GO”

“Includes creative exercise tips for
the woman with little or no time to
Get and Stay Fit”

“Empowered! to! GET FIT! ON! THE! GO” – Is it me or does it seem that we tend to rush through life? Either we’re rushing to get to work, get home from work or other activities.

I recall having a conversation with my daughters about enjoying the journey and I think they heard just a tad of what I was saying.

You see as children most get focused on finally reaching their teens and then they can’t wait to reach 16 and then 18 and you guessed it 21 and well 25 and then there’s a slight change as they reach 30 and then a little fear of reaching the 40’s however, when approached with “you’re just a baby” then the push for 40 comes on them.

Now this is not the same for all, however, you can replace the above with your own scenario.

Too bad the rush doesn’t include activities for maintaining fitness. At some point, we get so absorbed by deadlines and have-to’s that we neglect our own body. In case you haven’t noticed, you’ve just turned 30 but you look 40 and retire-able!

Okay just a little humor there. This busy lifestyle is often the culprit for double chins, expanding waistlines, and a variety of diseases like hypertension and diabetes.  I’m not saying you should be knitting and fishing all day though. You can still be on the go while getting fit and doing your responsibilities.

Humans, especially women (sorry guys, but that’s what most researchers say) have the innate ability to multi-task. It means you can do a multitude of things all at the same time.

For example, you can do the laundry while listening to the morning news and text messaging. Or you can cook while talking on the phone and washing the dishes.

Imagine if we could incorporate workouts and exercises into everyday routines!  Wouldn’t that be great? It would be like multitasking, except that this time you will be getting positive results, a trimmer body and a healthier heart.

I’m not in favor of multi-tasking just for the sake of multi-tasking there is actually some benefit to being focused on the task at hand.

And so I’d like to share some empowering tips on getting fit on the go. When observing this check list take your own lifestyle into consideration. Not every tip is going to fit your particular lifestyle.

Consistency is also key. It’s better to do some form of exercise 2 times per week consistently than 5 times one week and 1 time the next week and maybe nothing the following week.

How’s your mindset?

Your mindset plays a bigger role in your ability to lose weight and getting fit than you may realize. A mindset shift of Total Wellness is critical to any level of sustained empowerment and success. Make the shift and POWER up!

Empowering Exercise tips for getting fit on the go

1. Need to shop for groceries? Here’s the deal. You may already know where the milk is or where the soap is located. Well, for a better workout at the supermarket, try to walk through all the aisles. That’s right, walk through each and every aisle and pick out the items that you need. Who knows? You might discover a new brand of cereal or a better bargain when you take the time to explore each aisle. Make sure those shoes are made for shopping, and lots and lots of walking!

2. Done with the groceries? Next, drop the notion of using a cart to wheel your purchase through the parking lot. Instead, do some weightlifting by carrying the load yourself. As long as you don’t have close to ten bags of groceries, then you’re safe. But kidding aside, this advice will only work if you have possibly two  to three bags that you can manage alone. If it is necessary to get a cart, then hold on to those two bags and give your other bags a ride.

3. Household chores are great opportunities to get fit. Here are some of them:

a. Mow the lawn. Do this early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Spice it up by listening to some lively music. If you’re a sports maniac, then listen to a game on the radio so you’ll have something to get you through the entire ordeal. If it’s an unusually hot afternoon, have a glass of water or lemonade to cool down with. Hydration equals fitness. Fitness equals quality-life. All that and a well-manicured lawn!

b. Dusting and cleaning. The vacuum cleaner can be just as handy in thinning out fat. The to and fro motion you do while operating it almost seems like a little dance. Want some more inspiration? Turn the radio on and scan it for your favorite tunes!

c. Wash the dishes. Putting the dishes back in their shelves involves stretching. Maximize this activity and in no time at all, you will be more flexible. Remember, flexible muscles make it easier to do more intense exercise routines. It also saves you from having strains and sprains. So, stretch it again!

d. Get fit when you do the laundry. You’ll benefit here from a few extra movements now and then.

e. Gardening! Yup, that’s right. Water the petunias, weed the lawn, go ahead and do some squats while planting some more flowers in your front or backyard. When you water the plants, DO use a watering can, not a hose! It will give you a lot more to do because then you will be going back and forth refilling it again and again. And guess what? It saves your water supply too; it saves the earth, and it saves you!

f. Baby-sit the children. Now I know this may seem to be like no other household chore. But then again it involves a lot of work too, especially if you have toddlers or preschooler’s. Kids during these ages have the tendency to explore the environment a lot.

Believe me, you will be sweating like nobody’s business while scouring the house for them and making sure they don’t get into any trouble. It is a good way to stretch your patience too! OOPs!

What if you don’t have children of your own? Easy! You may have neighbors who have kids right?

Why not do a good deed by offering to look after them when your neighbors have to run an errand? Or how about spending some time with your grandchildren?

Running after them will make one heck of a workout. That’s for sure. I must make ample room for their busy activities and do self-care so I’m ready to rock and roll. If you have nieces and nephews, how about volunteering to host their birthday party or spending time with them in the park?

It’s just a matter of widening your imagination for possibilities. Besides, family time is quality time. No minutes wasted! With the benefits of a healthy heart too!

g. Ironing clothes. That’s right, get rid of those wrinkled linens. Get up off the couch. A good idea? Why not bring the ironing board to the living room where you can iron while watching your favorite show? Just as long as you don’t get anything burnt, OK? It will be a terrific workout for those flabby arms! So, what are you waiting for?

h. Clean up the car. No, don’t ask the kids to do it. Don’t even think about a drive-through car wash. Get yourself a pail and some soap. Remember, say no to the hose! Then, begin another workout strategy by washing your car! In no time it will be shiny and polished and you have yourself to thank for it!

And yes, those jeans aren’t as snug as they used to be, right? Way to go!



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Regards, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor

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