2612568276918. Fun Soccer Drills

Fun Soccer Drills

Fun Soccer Drills

that Teach Soccer Skills
to 5, 6, and 7 year olds

By Alanna Jones

Fun Soccer Drills – Follow the Coach – Drill Description – Each player lines up in single file with a ball behind the coach, who also has a ball. The coach leads the team around the field while doing several soccer-related things with the ball (i.e., dribbling, kicking, throw ins, etc.) or funny things (i.e., run while holding the ball on top of your head, touch your elbow to the ball, sit on your ball, etc.).

At any time, the coach can quickly turn around and, if he finds any player who is not following the action, then the coach gets one point; if all of the players are following the direction, the team gets a point.

At the end of the activity if the coach has more points than the team does then the whole team must do an exercise, silly song, or whatever the coach requests. If the team accumulates more points than the coach, they get to think of something silly or an exercise for the coach to do.


Play follow the leader with different commands, and the last player to follow the command must go to the end of the line. You may allow the player in the front of the line to take three turns calling out commands before going to the end of the line and trying to work his way back to the front.

Coaching Tips

Talk about the ready stance of lightly bouncing on the balls of your feet with legs slightly bent, and have the players show you they are ready before starting this drill. Between tasks, you might want to yell “ready stance.”

Soccer Obstacle Course Chase


Drill Description

Make an obstacle course that requires players to run, dribble, kick, and throw-in. You might even use coaches or parents for different sections of the course where the players have to dribble around, kick to, etc.

Set the team up in a line with your fastest players first. Give each person the same number of head start before sending the next person. Challenge the players to catch up to, and to pass the person in front of them when going through the course.

Coaching Tips

If you set the course up in a large area with plenty of space between each obstacle the players will get lots of exercise during this drill. This is a good time for a coach to observe the techniques of individual players to see what skills the team needs to work on the most.

Running Shooting Running

Shooting after a break away run

Drill Description

Use a mini soccer field, full field, or set up two goals to make your own field. The coach and the assistant coach start out as goalies, with one in each goal (or have a player be goalie at one end and the coach at the other).

Everyone starts at the coach’s goal with a ball. The coach calls out the name of one person at a time, who takes a shot on goal.

The shooter then retrieves his own ball before dribbling down to the other end where he shoots on that goal; after shooting on the second goal, each player dribbles back down to shoot on the coach, and so on, back and forth until the coach calls “stop.”

Make a big deal about having them count how many times they scored, and for a reward give a water break after every three goals.

Coaching Tips

As a goalie, don’t try as hard to stop shots from weaker players; then everyone gets a water break at about the same time. My players really like this drill and have fun running and running even when it seems like they would want to quit.


Keeping the ball in control during a breakaway towards the goal.

Drill Description

Players line up in a two single file lines at the center of the field one yard apart, facing the goal. Each person has a ball. The coach yells “go” and the first person in each line dribbles as quickly as she can toward the goal and then takes a shot on goal.

Set up a cone line that they must pass before taking a shot. This can be done with or without a goalie. The coach gives one point at his discretion to any player who keeps the ball in control when dribbling and one point for each goal that is scored and one point to the player who scores first.


To prevent players from over dribbling and losing control of the ball, set up a box where players must be inside when they shoot.

Players in one line dribble and try to score while players in the other line (who do not have a ball) act as a defender when you say, “go.” The defender line might be placed slightly behind the other line.

Have one player go at time and simply give points for goals made.

Coaching Tips

Younger players often lose control of the ball when they are in break away situations and even though they have an open goal they’ll miss the entire goal or kick it over the end line before having a chance to shoot.

This drill helps them practice getting a shot on goal. Encourage players to shoot on goal when close enough to make a goal.

Young players like to hear the coach tell them how many points they received after each attempt. In the end nobody will be able to keep track of the total number of points, which is a good thing.

Playing for Points

Getting open
Passing down field

Drill Description

Divide the group into teams of three or four and play small, sided games but for each game give out points for the following…

2 points if you pass to someone who can score
2 points if you are open for a pass near the goal
1 point if you score
1 point if you stop a breakaway
1 point if you have a breakaway and shoot before the other team gets to you
1 point if you stop a goal

If there are enough coaches (or parents) available, assign one to each team and give them a clipboard with the above list of points on the side and room for the player’s names on the top.

Each coach should watch her team (or both teams if there aren’t enough coaches) and write down points during the game. After the scrimmage announce points and emphasize what each player did correctly.

For added fun offer a small prize (candy, stickers, etc.) for each point made or for each player who made at least five points.

Coaching Tips

This drill worked wonders for my girls’ team to get them to focus on spreading out and being in position for a pass. Of course, there are always a few players who need to be given a few points for even attempting to accomplish any of the things on the list, even if they were not successful.

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