2612568276918. LOOK THE BEST YOU CAN

Discover the Best Version of Yourself with Anthony

Discover the Best Version of Yourself with Anthony

If you’re anything like me, you’re active. I train continuously and have done for more than 20 years. I live and breathe it – in the gym, on the bike, in the pool, at the beach, inside, outside, in -35 degrees in Moscow or 35+ in Cairo.

When you train hard you shower often, so you need products to remove the sweat and grime of life that aren’t too harsh, with the ability to replenish the balance of oils in your skin, so you can look and feel great. I searched the world to find products that lived up to this and after 20 years of not finding what I needed, I created Lqd Skincare for men to fill that void.

Fortunately, I’d studied Science (Chemistry) at Melbourne University, so I had a strong grounding in biochemistry. My idea for the range excited one of Australia’s best-known developmental chemists and together, over a period of two years, we perfected the product range.

Lqd is designed for men like you, who care about how they look and feel – whether going to gym, running, cycling, boxing or doing some other form of exercise. Our range is also about looking after your skin and keeping it well hydrated, so that you can slow down the ageing process.

And in case you’re wondering about the face of the brand, it’s my partner Chris. No, he’s not a model, he’s an investment banker, and he hasn’t been photoshopped to death. He’s just an ordinary guy like you and I that trains hard and cares about looking the best he can.

As well as our products, Lqd is about educating, entertaining, and informing guys about training, diet and skin care and how these three pillars are the key to looking the best you can.

There are so many sources out there of fitness advice, and yet for anyone out there looking for information, instead of things getting simpler and clearer, they’ve just become more confused and complicated.

This guide is here to tackle the basics – the tried and tested methods that will work for most people. As a scientist, I know that the best way to find what works for you is trial and error. Use yourself as the experiment – track and record what you do and the outcomes you achieve.

It’s all about finding what works for you.

Whether it’s so you can feel more confident in your own skin, look your best for an important event, or even just so you can look good on the beach, we really want to help you look the best you can.

We wish you the best of luck!


One of the things I have found really helpful over the years is to pick a body that I really admire and use that as my goal.

It helps to keep you focused and also puts a clear picture in your head of what you actually want. Decide who you aspire to. Do you want to look like a bodybuilder, a fitness model, a gymnast, or even a marathon runner?

Whatever your ambition, it’s best to make it really clear, as it will influence your training and diet.

I used to go for the off-season bodybuilder look, and my aim was always to get bigger. Over the last few years, my focus has changed to the new “fitness model” look, and so my body has also changed with a greater focus on abs and definition, as opposed to size for the sake of it.

There is an old saying in life, you get what you aim for, so have a flick through the internet or a few magazines and pick out the body you want and then put it somewhere prominent where you can see it every day. We keep a photo on the fridge, and that is a motivator for each time we open it!


For us, it’s often the holiday (or party) season and Mardi Gras that gives us a firm goal to work towards.

What is your aim?

Whatever it is, have it clearly in your sights. You can adjust and tweak it along the way, but just make sure you hit the target. We don’t need a bullseye; we just need to hit the board!

Remember, looking your best isn’t a competition with anyone apart from yourself.

Regardless of where you are right now, or what your goal is, you can still look better in five weeks’ time than you do today. In archery, where you place your feet, how you steady your breathing and how you take aim are the variables to hit the target. In looking the best, you can, it’s simple: it boils down to exercise, food and skin care.


My advice for anyone new starting out is to find a great personal trainer to help you learn about technique and form before developing bad habits.

If you can’t afford a trainer, then start with core body weight functional exercises like pushups, pullups, chin-ups, dips, squats and military press. The key for any exercise is to think about the muscle that is working and try to develop a “mind/muscle” connection. Once you are able to do 4 sets of 15 of each of these exercises, you are ready to move on to free weights and machines.

Regardless of what you do in the gym, when starting out, just develop the habit to train. It doesn’t matter where you are or when you go, just make the time to get there.

Eventually it will become an integral part of your life, and when you learn that you can control your body, you will find you will learn to control other parts of your life easier as well.




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Warmest Regards, Coyalita Linville

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor

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