2612568276918. Fitness Hut’s 20-Minute Fat Blasting Workouts

Fitness Hut’s 20-Minute Fat Blasting Workouts

Fitness Hut’s 20-Minute Fat Blasting Workouts

by Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT
Performance Enhancement Specialist

Fitness Hut’s 20-Minute Fat Blasting Workouts

Setting Fitness Goals and Getting Started …

Here is my top 10 list to get you started on the way to Blasting
The Fat and getting the lean and toned body that you want.

1) Make a commitment to fitness training. This commitment trumps all other fitness commitments. Without it, you will always fall prey to the inevitable obstacles and pitfalls along the way.

2) Be willing to change your eating habits! Sixty to 70% of your fitness goal success or failure will depend on good nutrition.

3) You must change your body composition! You must increase lean muscle mass to become a “fat-burning machine.”

4) You must do more than cardio exercise to burn body fat and change your body composition!


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