2612568276918. Discrimination Against Obese People It Happens Everyday

Discrimination Against Obese People It Happens Everyday

Discrimination Against Obese People It Happens Everyday

Discrimination Against Obese People It Happens Everyday -While not fair, people do judge others on their appearance. If you’re fit and attractive that will usually work in your favor, but if you’re overweight that can not only work against you but it can lead to outright discrimination against obese people.

Many times people will think that an overweight person is a slob, or lazy, or lacking in self control. Unfortunately, many other people may have one or more of these traits but with an overweight person, the ‘proof’ is visible.

Most types of discrimination are very subtle. They can be anything from a small smile, to a fat joke, to turning away laughing when they spot someone who is obese. All of these things hurt and an obese person will get to the point where they see a slight everywhere, sometimes when there really isn’t one.


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