2612568276918. 7 Simple Tips for A Healthier Diet

7 Simple Tips for A Healthier Diet

7 Simple Tips for A Healthier Diet

7 Simple Tips for A Healthier Diet – Carb cycling, Paleo, Keto, Atkins, intermittent fasting, Mediterranean diet… These are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to eating plans and diets.

All of them claim to help you lose weight but more importantly, they claim to be healthy nutritional solutions that instill good, lifelong eating habits.

This is not true, as anyone who has tried one of these eating plans will tell you. Diets don’t last long enough to instill lasting habits. In addition, we have negative associations with them related to deprivation, calorie cutting, and hunger. These associations will not help our brains adopt good habits.

Finally, diets don’t last forever. Once we’ve shed pounds and stopped dieting, we go back to our old eating habits and gradually gain weight. What’s worse, dieting can actually create very unhealthy eating habits such as binge eating, cravings, and an obsession with dieting, where a person jumps from one diet to the next.


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