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Weight Loss and Building Muscle

Weight Loss and Building Muscle

Weight Loss and Building Muscle – 4 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight Fast If you find yourself needing to lose weight, you’re not alone. But saying you want to lose weight
and actually, watching those pounds disappear are two different things.

Let’s be honest – we’re creatures of habit and we don’t make change easy. That’s why you want to use these 10 ways to motivate yourself to lose weight fast.

1. Play the If I Do vs. the If I Don’t Game

Grab a piece of paper. Draw a line down the middle and on one side write “If I Do” and on the other side write, “If I don’t.” You’re looking into the future now. What will your life be like a month, a year, five years from now? If you take action and lose weight or if you don’t take action and lose weight. Be honest with yourself.

For example, if I do lose weight in one year, I’ll be able to eat what I want without worrying about getting fat. Or If I don’t lose weight in five years, I’m likely to be diabetic. This is a great exercise for motivating yourself – just to be real!

2. Don’t Let Anything Get in Your Way

If you have decided to lose weight and look great don’t let anything, get in your way. You can achieve your goal when you set your mind to it but you need to have a plan. For example, you decide you are going to exercise 30 minutes on the stationary bike while watching your favorite television show.

Or perhaps you’ve decided you are going to go f a 15-minute walk after work every day. Don’t let excuses stop you from doing what you have set out to do. It’s really easy to say put it off. I’m tired, I have company, I have to do laundry.

Stick to your guns and you’ll see the pounds start to roll off. It’s not unrealistic to lose 5 pounds a week. So, in just a month you can be 20 pounds lighter.

3. Reward Yourself

If any of you have ever trained a dog you know how important rewards are. They’re important to you too so be sure to set some. For example, if I lose 20 pounds in two months, I will treat myself to a meal at my favorite restaurant.

4. Bet With Yourself

The more extreme you make the bet, the more you have to lose. Go to a friend and tell them, “If I don’t lose 20 pounds in the next two months, I’ll walk your dog for a month.” If you want to motivate yourself even more “Go to your boss and tell him if you don’t lose 20 pounds in the next two months, you’ll work for free for two weeks.

There are four great ways to motivate yourself to get the job done. You can lose that extra weight and you can do it fast.


Regards, Coyalita

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