
Using Music Therapy for Stress Relief

Win War Against Stress

Using Music Therapy for Stress Relief

When it comes to your overall mental health, stress is the biggest problem that most of face. “It is also the biggest reason for many health problems that we face daily.” (“Music Boxes for You”) Most of do not even understand that stress can be the major cause of major health problems like heart problems. There are many diverse types of therapy that can be used to help with stress relief and music therapy is a relaxing and soothing one that can help with stress but also major and minor illnesses as well.

Music therapy services are available to adults and children with disabilities. Sessions are individually designed according to each person’s special needs. Using music and music activities, the music therapist collaborates with everyone to address specific goals and objectives that are determined by the therapist. (“Music Boxes for You”)

With music therapy both individual and small group sessions will be conducted with regular progress evaluations. Music therapy can be done for clients with the following disabilities: Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Mental Retardation, Attention Deficit Disorder, Lowe’s Syndrome, and Tourette’s Syndrome.

Music Therapy may be commonly defined as the structured use of music and music activities geared toward helping individuals with disabilities meet both musical and non-musical goals. Music therapy goals may be based on behavioral, physical, cognitive, social, and emotional or language and communication. Music is a proven relaxation technique as well as a stimulant. Those who use music therapy often experience positive changes.

Music therapy is good for people of all ages may benefit from music therapy, from young children to elderly seniors. People with almost any disability have ability when it comes to music. Music Therapy clients participate through playing instruments, improvising, and making up new songs, singing, or even just listening. The people that participate in Music Therapy sessions may range from having a mild learning disability to having severe mental retardation.

How to Win Your War Against Stress

“Music therapists assess clients’ communication skills, social functioning, physical health and mobility, cognitive skills, and emotional well-being by how they respond to music.” (“Music Boxes for You”) They design Music Therapy sessions for individuals according to their unique needs. “In these tailored sessions, therapists use techniques such as music improvisation, receptive music listening, music performance on instruments and with the voice, and learning through music.” (“music4themind | Just another WordPress.com site”) That is just too cool. When you think of music in terms of therapy, it is extremely easy to forget how incredibly useful music can be. It really does sooth the savage beast within us if we let it.

Best Wishes, Coyalita

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist

See Tomorrow: “Stress Relief for Women”

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