2612568276918. Supplement Secrets

Supplement Secrets

Supplement Secrets

Supplement SecretsThe Real Whey to Use Protein. If you ever need clear evidence of the confusion that sometimes circulates in the supplement world, just take a few minutes to scan the various conflicting opinions on how to use protein!

The funny thing is the subject doesn’t have to be confusing at all. The trick is to focus on unbiased information on protein – and totally skip the articles written by the many people who have an agenda other than getting fit and strong.

Here’s some simple and smart things to keep in mind when working out your protein needs. Follow these guidelines and you will never have to worry about optimizing your protein intake again!

The Real Whey to Use Protein

Determine Your Daily Protein Needs.

There’s some complicated formulas and charts made by muscle nerds that can help you figure out what they think your protein needs are. I prefer to keep it simple and easy to understand. 1 gram of protein for every pound you weigh. I have never, ever seen this not work out for someone’s protein needs. When in doubt go over rather than under.

Spread Your Protein Out Over Your Day’s Meals.

Regardless of the diet you are following, do your best to spread your protein intake out among all your meals. This doesn’t have to be exact of course. If you have difficulty getting in your requirements in your meals, the easiest tried and true solution is to add protein shakes as “extra meals” throughout the day and night. I usually eat five meals and add two shakes as snacks. This works really well for most people’s lifestyles

When Possible, Choose High Quality Protein Sources.

Yes, the quality of protein you consume matters greatly when it comes to building your dream body. Try to concentrate on things like chicken, fish and other lean meats. When it comes to protein powders 100% pure Whey protein is, by far, your best choice with casein coming in second.

Avoid protein blends where many supplement companies will hide the percentage of each type of protein in their mix, with an aim of selling you cheaper and less effective proteins while still having you pay a premium. This is a dirty trick that nearly all the major supplement companies engage in. Knowledge is power.

Avoid Soy Protein.

Soy protein can do terrible things to a person’s hormonal levels, especially if they are male. We’re talking about even small doses of soy causing skyrocketing estrogen levels, lethargy and increased body fat. It’s cheap and plentiful, but certainly nothing you want even close to being in your diet. Don’t believe the hype vegans and others tried to spread about the supposed benefits of soy. Both science and the real world have shown the exact opposite to be true. Avoid at all costs!

Protein is equally important to you whether your goal is to get hugely muscled, athletically fit or cut fat and lose major weight. Master the question of protein intake and the rest of your diet issues will be a breeze. Follow these foundational rules and you will never need to be confused by the protein question again! Pretty cool right?

Regards, Coyalita

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