2612568276918. Mediterranean Diet Meltdown

Mediterranean Diet Meltdown

Mediterranean Diet Meltdown

Revealed! The Secret to Long Life and Good Health Is in the Foods We Eat

Mediterranean Diet Meltdown – The current statistics in the world of obesity are frightening, especially when considering the direct correlations to illnesses and diseases.

The increases in these numbers are not only affecting Americans but many more countries in the world, according to information from WHO (World Health Organization).

Even though these figures are high, people who want to do something about it can, since they have effective regimens like the well-known Mediterranean diet as a weight loss option.

Based on the staggering figures from WHO, approximately 2/3rds of all Americans adults can be classed as overweight.

All of the high calorie hamburgers, sundaes, French fries, sodas, cheese cakes, ice cream and other popular food items are taking its toll. Even though America maintains the lead, as in many other areas, they are not alone in this problem because many other countries are now following the same patterns. If these current trends are not halted, the prediction for …. Read More Inside


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