2612568276918. Fitness Wearable Technology…What You Need To Know

Fitness Wearable Technology…What You Need To Know

Fitness Wearable Technology…What You Need To Know

Fitness Wearable Technology…What You Need To Know Introduction – The Rise Of Wearable Technology…

Firstly, welcome to our info packed report on wearable technology and thank you for joining me as we embark on a quick journey of discovery into this ever-changing technology. Let’s get started…

Wearable tech is not a new idea. In fact, most people now own at least one type of wearable tech whether that’s a fitness watch, a smart watch or GPS trackers.

One thing is for sure in 2016, the industry remains unstoppable. Fitbit, the highest-selling fitness tracker, ended the last quarter of 2015 with over 5 million sales.


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