
A Personal Handbook: Living The Fit Life

A Personal Handbook: Living The Fit Life

Integrating fitness, life and work in the 21st Century and other important things…

Welcome, About You, Our Mission Together. You have officially taken the first step toward becoming a much-improved endurance athlete — feel better yet? You know as well as I do that it’s not that simple. Despite constant marketing messages and stories to the contrary, personal experience shows that the best results come after periods of hard work and focus.

As an endurance athlete, you have likely organized almost everything you do in such a way that you can actively participate to your fullest. You need to exercise frequently, to eat properly, to manage your sleep, to balance recovery, and choose the right equipment. There are so many different areas where you can focus on improvement and find opportunities for growth and development that we all, at some point, become consumed by it.


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