2612568276918. What You Need To Know About Sleep Apnea

What You Need To Know About Sleep Apnea

What You Need To Know About Sleep Apnea

What You Need To Know About Sleep ApneaWhat is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a medical condition, which makes it difficult to sleep for some, as they are not breathing correctly, while for others, it can mean listening to snoring for quite a long time. 

Sleep apnea is most commonly also called ‘obstructive’ sleep apnea, which is the condition where you, as the person sleeping, stop breathing. As you stop breathing, you are not resting correctly, and this reduces the oxygen in the blood while you are sleeping.

The condition known as ‘obstructive’ sleep apnea is often caused by too much tissue in the airway, in your throat or in your nose. It may also be caused by tonsils that are enlarged, or a tongue-relaxing problem. Additionally, you could have a jaw problem that is not allowing you to breathe properly while you are sleeping.

Sleep apnea affects thousands, possibly even millions, but there are methods of treatment to put a stop to those problems. If you have been in an accident and you have a problem with your nasal passage or your throat when sleeping, this could cause you to breathe differently and interrupt your sleeping habits, as you are unable to breathe when you sleep. If you have nasal problems, if you have an enlarged tonsil or gland, or you have excessive tissue in your air passages, you could be suffering from sleep apnea.

Talking with your doctor about your sleep problems is going to be the first step in treatment. Your doctor can arrange a sleep test – known as polysomnography – to test your breathing, your heart rate, and to monitor your body while you are sleeping.

This will give the physician a good idea about what is really going on, and then determine how to proceed with treatment.

Sleep apnea can be caused by deformities of the jaw. If the jaw is smaller in bone structure than it should be, it can actually cause breathing problems while you sleep.

Other issues such as with the tongue can cause sleep apnea problems as well. If you find that you are not sleeping well, that others tell you that you snore all the time, and you are always tired, you should talk to your doctor about sleep apnea, and what you can do to solve your sleeping problems.

Obstructive sleep apnea can occur in children, men and women, those of all ages. Men are about eight times more likely to be suffering from sleep apnea.

Those who are over the age of thirty-five are more likely to be suffering with sleep apnea. Many people believe that people in their twenties, and women are less likely to report sleep problems, which could contribute to findings that men are more
likely to have sleep apnea or obstructed airway problems.

Why is Sleep Apnea a Concern?

There are many reasons why people need to find help for sleep apnea. It is a terrible problem that will only continue to get worse and eventually make your life even harder than it has to be. Many people think that having a sleeping disorder is no big deal, however it really is. There are many disadvantages to having a sleep apnea problem.

One big consequence of having sleep apnea is that the person will be suffering throughout the day. They are going to have an awful time getting through a day at school or work.

The person is going to be tired and have great fatigue during the day when they need to be alert and awake. This could affect the job or school performance and eventually lead to bad grades or termination.

Driving for people that deal with sleep apnea is going to be a problem as well. This is another reason why sleep apnea is a concern for many. The reflexes of drivers that do not get enough sleep are similar to those that are drunk.

They are going to have a hard time concentrating and keeping the car under control. This is a very dangerous situation that should not happen.

A big concern with sleep apnea is that the person that suffers from it is going to have impaired daytime functions. It is going to be hard for them to keep their attention on certain things including work and school for instance. This is when sleep apnea begins to affect their work and even relationships with their friends and family members.

Sleep apnea is also a danger to a person’s health. It is necessary to get good night’s sleep in order to be healthy. High blood pressure can be a definite problem for anyone that has sleep apnea. Having high blood pressure from the stress of having no sleep can also lead to more problems. These people are more likely to have a heart attack or possible stroke when they are not getting enough sleep for their body.


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Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor

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