2612568276918. Para-Athletics



Summary of the WPA Rules and Regulations 2018-2019

Para-Athletics – Introduction

This document is a summary of the World Para Athletics Rules and Regulations for athletes and coaches starting out in Para-Athletics. It provides a quick reference to important rules unique to different classifications for track and field events. It does not provide coaching or practice tips as each Para-Athlete requires modifications to fit their specific needs.

This resource provides meet directors with a basic understanding of how to incorporate Para-Events into their Able-Bodied competitions. It is a resource for officials to use when running Para-Events at meets. This document does not outline every rule for track and field events as they are similar to IAAF rules.

Competition- Wheelchair Racing Track

Wheelchair Racing (Classification T33-34/51-54)

Helmets must be worn in all track and road racing events. Helmets must be a hard protective shell that meets international safety standards. Athletes are responsible for making sure their chair conforms with the requirements.

Wheelchair and Frame Requirements

Wheelchairs consist of two large rear wheels and one small front wheel. The frame must be made with a material that provides sufficient stability and stiffness for safety. No part of the frame shall extend beyond the hub of the front wheel, nor backwards beyond the rearmost vertical plane1,2

. The frame and attachments should not be wider than the incline plane of the pushing rims (see figure below).

The maximum height from the ground to the bottom of the wheelchair cannot exceed 50 cm. The wheelchair must have a seat. Sideguards may be used to protect the athlete from the wheels as long as they follow Rule 14.2(a). All chairs must have a functional braking system for athlete safety. The chair must be able to turn the front wheel manually. Only hand operated mechanical steering is allowed.

A wheelchair cannot have mechanical gears or levers that helps propel the chair, nor can the chair have any attachments (i.e. fairings) that improve aerodynamics. Use of mirrors are prohibited.

Battery cells or energy storing attachments are not allowed.  Though heart rate monitors and speed distance monitors are allowed with approval from WPA and the technical delegate, they cannot allow for communication with other people.

Wheel and Push-Rim Requirements
The maximum diameter of large rear wheels including inflated tire cannot exceed 70 cm and the maximum diameter of small front wheel including inflated tire cannot exceed 50cm. Only one plain round push-rim is allowed per wheel. This rule may be modified for athletes requiring a single arm drive wheelchair3.

. A modification for athletes in classification T33/51/52 is allowed so that a push-rim and wheel disk are fused together and incorporated into the wheel. No part of the athlete’s body
shall be strapped to the push-rim or to the wheel.

Wheelchairs must remain in the competition area after they are measured and inspected in the Call Room. Chairs may be re-examined by the Track Referee or other officials before and after the event.

The Start

The start of the race for distances 400m or less begins with the starter calling “On Your Marks”4

. At this point the athletes will wheel into position in their lane behind the starting line. On the “Set” command, the athletes assume their final starting position. The front wheel must remain in contact with the track.

In races 800m or longer, the starter may recall the athletes for a restart if a collision occurs in the first 50m.

The Race

During the race, only forward propulsion can be made by the athlete pushing on the wheel or push rim. Any other form of propulsion will result in the athlete’s disqualification from the event.

During a race longer than 400m, if the athlete wished to pass their opponent, they must do so in a way that does not impede the other athlete’s performance in the race (see figure below).

The athlete doing the overtaking are responsible for making sure they are completely clear of the other athlete before cutting across. The athlete being overtaken is responsible for not obstructing the athlete as they merge into the lane.

For races longer than 400m the cut-in line shall be marked by flat markers. Athletes can leave their lanes once both of their back wheels have gone past the cut-in line and the way to cut over is clear.

The Finish

The athlete finishes the race when the center of the front wheel crosses the finish line.

In races longer than 1500m, officials may clear the track after an agreed amount of time has lapsed.

Any athletes left on the track when the event concludes will receive the result of DNF (Did Not Finish).

The Track Referee then will remove any athlete from the track that has been lapped.

Relay Races

For relays 4X100m and 4X400m the take-over zone shall be 40m in length with the scratch line 30m from the start line. The take-over is done through touching any part the outgoing athlete’s body5.

. The touch must be within the take-over zone. Pushing the outgoing athlete will result in the disqualification of the team. Relays must follow the Sports Class clusters and team requirements outlined in the following table:

Competition- Ambulatory Track

Ambulatory Racing (Classification T11-13/20/35-38/40-41/42-47/61-64)


Athletes with classification T45-47, the use of upper limb prostheses is optional. If the athlete chooses to start the competition, they must complete the race with the device. If they do not, they will be disqualified. Since the use is optional, the athlete may choose to compete in subsequent races without the prosthetic device. Athletes with classification T61-64 competing with a prosthetic device is mandatory.

Eye Mask

Athletes in T11 classification must have their eyes covered completely with gauze patches6. and must wear approved 7 opaque glasses or suitable substitute 8.

. This must be worn from the time the athlete leaves the Call Room to the end of the event. Failure to wear the eye patches and glasses will result in disqualification of the athlete9.


Athletes in classification T11 and T12 who compete with a guide must be guided through a single tether. The tether cannot contain elastic materials and shall not be able to store energy. A tether consists of two closed holding loops, a middle section and two fixed spherical stoppers at each end (see figure below).

The full extension of the tether cannot exceed 30 cm.10.

The middle section of the tether must be a minimum length of 10 cm and must be a distinctive color that is easily distinguishable at a distance from the rest of the tether.

The holding loops cannot contain a mechanism that allows for them to open; however, they may contain a mechanism that allows for the loops to adjust their size. The fixed stopper is spherical in shape and must be a minimum of 1 cm in diameter.

Note: I as a Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist found there were so many wonderful Para-Athletics both children and adults in my service to them. There are so many great kids that are Para-Athletics that one has no choice but give them a great hand and loads of love for their bravery and competitive goals! Best Wishes to You All Kiddos!



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Regards, Coyalita Linville

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Specialist & Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselor

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